

So you are a great photo booth attendant and operator. Maybe you are certain you will never need to hire any employees. If that is the case feel free to skip this chapter.

More likely, however, that time will come when you find you can take on much more business if only you have more systems and some employees. When you are turning away more business than you are accepting, most of us will look at expanding. Of course, the hard part becomes, how do you duplicate yourself?

You must FIND personality - you can’t teach personality

Most people don’t do this, but I like to find out a bit about my employees before letting them through the front door. 

Reference Check

A general script for a reference check could go something like this:

Hello. This is (INSERT YOUR NAME) with (INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME) and I would like to verify the employment information for (INSERT APPLICANT NAME) who is applying to us for a position of photo booth attendant. May I verify some information with you regarding their work history?

First verify their dates of employment to make sure that they correspond to what the applicant has written on the application.

Then ask if the applicant would be eligible for rehire at the previous company if a suitable position were available.

Possible answers would be YES , NO, and UNSURE

If no then discreetly try to ask why.

Also, ask how they would rate the applicant in comparison to people they have worked with in similar positions:

One again, look for the answers: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, AND POOR.

Now, many companies will only verify dates of employment and the larger the company the less likely you will get anything other than start and finish date, but I would always like to do my due diligence for my company and follow up on the reference.


Generally, the wisdom goes that you should not put anything on the internet that you don’t want the world to see, but many people don’t follow that wisdom.

Isn’t it better to find out the dirt on your employees before they are on your payroll?


  1. Why do you want to be a photo booth attendant?
  2. We advertise to our clients that we provide them with FUN INTERACTIVE ATTENDANTS, people persons. This is who we need to hire. Tell me what about yourself would make you fit into this role.
  3. Would you describe yourself as punctual? Give examples.
  4. Are you able to lift 60 lbs.?
  5. What is the closest job you have had to that of a photo booth attendant?
  6. What were your expectations of that job? Why did you leave?
  7. What is your educational background?
  8. What other job or jobs do you currently hold?
  9. What do you like to do on a Saturday night?
  10. What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced?
  11. What do you already know about our company?
  12. Where do you see yourself a year from today - 5 years from today?
  13. Discuss a time when your integrity was challenged.

Obviously there will be some trial and error here as there is no 100 percent foolproof way to hire the right person.

Define Your Wish List

The first thing you need to define is your wish list for the particular position for which you are hiring. If you don’t know what you are looking for, how can you have any hope of finding the right person or persons? Define which skills you need them to have already and what you can teach them. In the examples below I will use the position of “Photo booth Attendant” or “Photo booth Operator” or Photo ooth Cast Member”.

Teachable Skills

Breeze Software

Photography Skills

Company Procedures

Inherit Skills

These are the skills that your candidates had better bring to the table. 




Basic Computer Skills


Put Yourself In Their Shoes

Why do they want this job? - Are they right for it?

What do they want out of the job and can you give it to them?

Will they stick around?

Sometimes You Have To Use Your Gut

Trust your gut. If you get a bad feeling, RUN! Don’t walk away.

Don’t Let Bad Attitudes Through The Door

Bad attitudes are contagious - stop it at the door.

Positive attitude 

Will they represent the company as well as you?

Do not look at the clock - (if you need to keep track of the time, then place the watch on a table)

Do not look at the cellphones (nothing portrays more that you don’t care)

Think outside the box when look for people


Check them out in the social media - esp FACEBOOK - google them

Actually check out references - even though you know some of them, may be fake (LOL) - that counts against the prospective employee.

Once you have them hired - how do you retain staff?

Constant Contact

Always conduct an exit interview - often someone walking out the door will be more honest and forthcoming than someone who still depends on you in whatever form for a paycheck.

 Employee or Subcontractor?

In most cases the staff member that you are sending out on these events will be an employee. We recommend consulting with your accountant or lawyer for more details. But simply remember these bullet points to determine subcontractor or employee from the Internal Revenue Service.

Behavioral Control - do you as the employer have the right to direct how the work is done? If yes - Employee, If no, and they just have to complete the job contracted - Subcontractor.

Financial Control - if the worker has to invest in costly equipment to complete the job, they would be a sub conductor. Who controls the money.

Relationship of the Parties - Benefits are only for employee, do they work for others doing similar work?